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Search or Browse All Wyoming Legislative Journals/Digests, Bills, and Bill Actions

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This project is a work in progress. We are working on adding additional information to the bills. This library of legislative materials contains journals, or digests of the journals, from the first territorial legislature that convened in 1869 up to the present. It also contains digitized bills from 1873 to 2000, in addition to bill actions—a record of actions done on each introduced bill—from 1957-2000. 2001-present legislation is available through the session archives.

This project was done by the Wyoming State Library, in partnership with the Legislative Service Office and the Wyoming State Archives, with funding from the Wyoming State Legislature.

This database contains legislative journals (1869 to present), digitized bills (1873 to 2000), bill actions, a record of actions completed on each bill (1957 to 2000), and session audio files (1996-Present).  Legislation from 2001 to the present is available through the session archives

This project is a service of the Wyoming State Library, in partnership with the Legislative Service Office and the Wyoming State Archives, with funding from the Wyoming State Legislature.